Which part (anatomy) or characteristic of the Brassica oleracea plants seems to exhibit the most variation (greatest number of different forms)? Which part or characteristic of the Brassica oleracea plants seems to show the greatest range of variation (biggest difference between one extreme and its opposite)? Use and include data collected from multiple measurements to support your answer. The part of the plant that showed the most variation was the leaves. The length, width, and appearance of the leaves were different. I noticed that some of the leaves would be as long as 8.1 inches, while the shortest leafs length would be as small as 2.3 inches. The largest width being 5.7 inches and the smallest being 2.3. The leaves of the plants also showed variation in appearance. Some plants had light green leaves while others had dark purple leaves. The part of the plant that offered the mos...
I talked Mr. Bursch and decided to beautify a garden for my service project. It was a native garden so we got bought drought resistant native plants. We went to Home Depot and picked up soil, a shovel and two plants. One was a Rosemary plant and one was a sage plant. We brought them to school, dug two holes, poured fresh dirt and then planted them. We watered the and picked up all the trash that was around in the garden. All totaled the materials and plant cost $40.00. prices: shovel: $8.00 plants: $14.00(each) soil: $7.00